by CMYK | Mar 14, 2025 | Art Series
How I Found my Own Art Style and you can Kind-of-Sort-of Find your Own Too That meme with the old lady crying in the film Titanic as she says, “It’s been 82 years.” springs to mind in view of finally finding my own expression of art. It’s not actually been...
by CMYK | Oct 14, 2023 | Art Series
Mech-Alien – Geometric Abstract Art on Bitcoin Mech-Alien is a series of geometric abstract works inscribed to Bitcoin as Ordinal Inscription digital artifacts from numbers 53,825 to 34,828,474, and is one of the earliest abstract art series on Bitcoin. The...
by CMYK | Feb 25, 2023 | Art Series
Supra-Liminal – Generative Art on Bitcoin Supra-Liminal is a generative art project written in Processing and made up of just 250 pieces of art immutably inscribed to the Bitcoin blockchain as ordinal inscriptions between #154,006 to #167,061. Each image lives...
by CMYK | Dec 2, 2022 | Art Series
The BoxHeadz pfp art project on AsyncArt is a generative 32×32 pixel art project with a total of more than 1 billion possible unique combinations (105, 577, 726,806, to be exact!), only 3k of which will ever be minted. And importantly, all commercial IP rights...
by CMYK | Nov 25, 2022 | Art Series
The Timepiece of Thades The Time Piece of Thades work was an idea that came to me when deciding on a theme for AsyncArt’s 24 hour piece template, a programmed piece of art that autonomously changes on the hour, every hour, forever. (Edit 2024:) Each individual piece...
by CMYK | Nov 14, 2022 | Art Series
Having been DM’d quite a few times by collectors since the release of the Kaleidescope Artefacts series, I’ve decided to answer as many of their question as I can in this article. I’ll cover the inspiration for the series, the process, the rules I followed when...